Thunder Treats Podcast Episode 015: NFL Draft, Cavs Re-Hire Mike Brown, Dolphins & Jaguars New Uniforms & Allen Iverson is the Douche Bag of the Week

Welcome to episode 015 of the Thunder Treats Podcast.  Before you start listening you should know that it is only me, DiLo, this week.  Unfortunately, DiNunz, Lou, Snake and I recorded the episode but the quality was absolutely terrible.  More than likely because Lou and Snake had to share a microphone and we forgot to turn the TV off in the background.

Rookie stuff, I know.

So instead of skipping a week, I decided to record a little something for you all so we could keep this train rolling with no missed weeks.  Instead of the usual 25-30 minutes, it is under 15 minutes because no one is arguing with me.  Have a listen and don’t worry, we’ll be back to normal next week!

You can see the description and listen below or you can subscribe to us on iTunes! If the player isn’t working you can go directly to the podcast page! Also, the Stitcher Radio Widget is up and working on the right side bar! Thanks guys!

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