Aunt Viv Goes In On Jada Pinkett Smith’s Decision To Boycott The Oscars

Actress Janet Hubert went in on Jada Pinkett Smith after Smith announced that she would be boycotting The Oscars after it was revealed last week that there were only white actors and actresses in the four main categories.

“I ask the question,” she said. “Have we now come to a new time and place where we recognize that we can no longer beg for the love, acknowledgment or respect of any group; that maybe it’s time that we recognize that if we love and respect and acknowledge ourselves in a way that we are asking others to do, that that is the place of true power? I’m simply asking the question. Maybe it is time that we pull back our resources and we put them back into our communities, into our programs, and we make programs for ourselves that acknowledge us in ways that we see fit, that are just as good as the so-called ‘mainstream’ ones. I don’t know. Here’s what I do know. Begging for acknowledgement, or even asking, diminishes dignity, and diminishes power, and we are a dignified people, and we are powerful, and let’s not forget it.”

She goes on further and you can read more about it here. Spike Lee has joined Pinkett Smith to create an all new Spike Lee Joint in her crusade to bring shame to the Academy and I’m sure others will join soon too. However, Aunt Viv from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air did not see eye to eye with Jada and let her know in a scathing YouTube message.

File under: I’ll just leave this right here…


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