NBA Draft Translator Can Help You Figure Out What the Hell ESPN Analysts are Talking About

The guys over at The Whistle helped us get through the muddy waters of the NFL Draft a couple months ago, now they are back to lend a helping hand with their NBA Draft Translator.

Most of the time you will flip on ESPN and you’ll get their “analysts” that will give you all kinds of different buzzwords to describe players in the upcoming draft. I don’t know about you, but most of the time I’m left wondering what in the hell I just heard.

Worry not, Thunder Nation, The Whistle is here to help us all. Check out their video below and you’ll have a much easier time with the upcoming draft.


My favorite:

“I’m constantly impressed by his length and fluidity on the court”


“He’s tall, but…like…all the time. Because that’s how height works.”

Bravo to the guys at The Whistle for another awesome video. Check out their NFL Draft Translator here.

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