Introducing Your Kids to a Sport That You Love

As parents, the thought of sharing a hobby or interest with your child can make you giddy, especially if it’s something that you specialize in! However, convincing your child to do anything can be extremely difficult, and a delicate approach needs to be taken if you want to encourage your child to get into something…

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6 Tips to Help You Keep Your Children Safe from Predators

Childhood should be a time of innocence, discovery and wonder, but unfortunately, the world is not free from danger. Parents have a primal instinct to protect their children from harm, but how can we do so without making them afraid of their own shadow? While it’s not fair to be explicit with children about the…

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The Benefits of Teaching Kids to Ride Scooters

One of the highlights of watching children grow is teaching them new things – including how to ride skateboards, scooters and bicycles. It gives parents a chance to be protective while also teaching their children to be independent. While riding a bike or a skateboard can be fraught with danger, learning to ride a scooter…

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