Can You Change Your Life In 21 Days?


The key to happiness lies with self improvement. When we’re working to be the best version of ourselves, we feel fulfilled, with a sense of purpose and in control of our own destinies. So why can it be so hard to get started? We dream of where we’d like to be, but it all feels very far away and it’s hard to translate overarching goals into daily actions, and to stick with those actions long enough to see a noticeable improvement. Yet, if you can turn a practise into a habit, then the payoff can be enormous – it can literally change your life. Experts say that you can change your life in as little as 21 days.So consider your goals, set your intentions and get going – the first move is the hardest. Think about what you’d like your life to be like in six months time – then create a one-month plan to really get going. Whether you want to learn a language, master Piano in 21 days or transform your body, it can be done with the right plan and a little perseverance. 

Take Baby Steps

The scale of our ambitions can easily feel overwhelming, and this almost always leads to inactivity. Quite often we feel as if failure is too much to risk, so we prefer to let our goals stay as pipe dreams rather than turning them into a reality. Overcoming inertia can be hard, but the trick is to focus on small, manageable changes which you can make. This then creates a positive momentum that makes it far easier to get bigger chunks done. Focusing on small steps, tackled one at a time, is how real change happens. So, if you want to change your diet to get healthier, increase your energy or lose some weight, step back from the big picture and pick a few details to get right. It could be simply aiming to eat more fruit and vegetables with each meal, cutting out fizzy drinks in favour of water, or choosing to cook at home rather than order a takeaway. Start with one simple change, and when that’s become easier, move onto to the next thing. This system of incremental improvements is something with Olympic athletes use to improve their technique, and it can easily be applied to every day as well. 

Make Learning A Part Of Your Day

What we can learn from others is a hugely motivating force when it comes to making lifestyle changes. Finding someone who is already living the life we want, and embodying the change that we’d like to make in our own lives can provide solid ‘proof’ that change is possible, as well as some useful tips and tactics. An unofficial mentor is a great figure to have in your life, so the next time you find someone who has tackled a change you’d like to make – invite them for a coffee. Getting the inside track on how they made change happen in their own lives could really help you. Most people will be more than happy to help and flattered that you’re interested in their story.

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