You’re 40, But You Still Want to go Out on Dates With Guys: How to Preserve Beauty

You’re 40, But You Still Want to go Out on Dates With Guys: Nutrition rules that help to stay slim, energetic and healthy.

  1. Eat foods rich in protein

The use of protein for the weight of middle-aged and elderly women is confirmed by research. During the experiment, conducted in 2011, for 16 weeks of a high protein diet (30% of the daily intake of calories from protein), women have lost more fat and gained more muscle mass than participants on a diet with a low protein content.

Dietary protein increases metabolism and provides a sense of satiety. So, you can lose weight or maintain weight, without feeling a constant hunger.

In addition, the intake of more protein is associated with less loss of muscle mass with age. Dietary protein intake is associated with a lean mass change in older, community-dwelling adults. This is the key factor that helps protect the body from slow metabolism and even increase muscle mass if you engage in power exercises.

Each meal or snack should contain foods rich in protein: chicken, fish, beef, tofu, eggs, legumes, milk, cottage cheese, natural yogurt.

  1. Add more calcium

Diets with a lot of calcium prevent the risk of age-related skeletal diseases like osteoporosis, help to reduce weight and waist circumference.

Bones are constantly destroyed and restored in the process of remodeling. Up to 30 years, this occurs at about the same speed, but after this turn, the rate of destruction begins to slightly exceed recovery time.

Calcium helps to support the function of bone recovery and reduce the risk of their destruction. This is especially important for women during the menopause, as a decrease in the level of estrogen slows the absorption of calcium.

However, calcium consumption only is not enough, since vitamin D is necessary for its assimilation. The best sources are herring, salmon, mackerel, cod liver, fish oil, egg yolks. In smaller quantities, it is found in chicken, pork and beef liver, sour cream and butter.

Also, vitamin D is synthesized in human skin under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, try to be in the sun more often.

  1. Consume enough fat

Fats contain more calories than proteins and carbohydrates, but they reduce the feeling of hunger, and this greatly affects the size of your portions. A lot of research proves that diets with a low carbohydrate content are much more effective for weight loss than diets with a low-fat content.

Moreover, fats are simply necessary for maintaining health. If you have dry skin, joint problems, decreased concentration and depressed mood, it is worth checking whether you consume enough fat.

There is a widespread opinion that saturated fats threaten the health of the cardiovascular system. However, a recent study made by Norwegian scientists has shown that a diet high in fat, half of which were saturated, did not increase the risk of heart disease and led to weight loss.

Choose butter and fatty dairy products, avoid cheap confectionery and fast food – they contain trans fats (hydrogenated vegetable oils, harmful to health).

Also in your diet should be unsaturated fats omega-3 and omega-6 from fish and vegetable oils. Omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids protect the scalp from dryness, maintain the follicle’s health and prevent hair loss, preserve the health of the eyes and the cardiovascular system.

Moreover, omega-3 fatty acids are useful for weight loss. In Samantha L. Logan’s study, in 12 weeks of supplementation from fish oil, the basal metabolism of participants increased by 14%, and fat oxidation by 19%.

All these rules will help you in any endeavor – whether it is searching for a worthy husband on godatenow or the desire to reach new heights in communicating with the opposite sex!

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