Dawn Weiser, Wife to Mega Snorer, Charged with Attempted Murder After She Stabs Her Husband as He Sleeps

Dawn Weiser seemed like a normal mom, at least according to her Twitter account.  She would go get groceries, talk about her boys, Tweet pictures of their games and basically be the mom that loved showing off her sons.  Nauseating but normal if you ask me.  She would even post pictures of her husband and how proud she was of him for making a “life change”.  Which I can only assume is a weight loss since he commented on the picture about how badly he wanted a Dr. Pepper.

Although active with a positive vibe on Twitter and Instagram, one Tweet in particular stands out now.

tweet1On August 29th, less than a week after Dawn Weiser sent this Tweet, she would be standing over her husband with a butcher’s knife, repeatedly stabbing him.  The victim, Doug Weiser, was able to fight her off and call the police to save his life.

Earlier in the evening, the two had a fight about his snoring.  She opted to sleep in a different room of their new house that they, according to Instagram, had just moved into this year.  According to reports, she slipped back into the room once Doug had fallen asleep and began her assault.

At first, she told the police that she awoke to loud noises during the night and came into their bedroom to find her husband with stab wounds. She insisted that an intruder that fled was responsible for the stabbing even though…ya know…her husband was the one who called the police on her.

Not surprisingly, according to the court Doug Weiser filed for divorce from his wife a week after the alledged incident.

Two things I wonder after reading this story…

  1. Should I sleep with one eye open? I can suck the wallpaper off the wall with my snoring.
  2. Is one of their boys named Bud?

h/t The Weekly Vice


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