How Are Carp Bred?

Carp fish found in farms are in many ways quite different from regular carp that are found in the waters across the world. In fact, carp that have been bred in farms and fisheries are actually far superior for many reasons. In this article, the science behind fish and carp farming will be explained in…

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Why Fishing Is An Ideal Hobby For Women

Some areas of life, hobbies and entertainment are, for one reason or none, considered to be either exclusively or majoritatively “male” or “female”. In some cases, there may be a perfectly good explanation for why one sex predominates, while in others the only obvious explanation is “it’s always been that way”. As an example of…

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Amazing Fish To Catch In Your Lifetime

Fishing is a hobby like no other. Whether your fishing goal is to catch and eat fish, or to catch and study stunning animals, it is a great hobby to get into and one which will take you all over the world. Fishing is incredibly popular as a hobby and anglers have the chance to…

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The Most Popular Sports Down Under

If you’re looking to get more active and want to take part in some different sports activities, there are so many to choose from. Australia is known for its fitness motivated locals who like to work up a daily sweat while spending some time with their teammates and friends. You may already be gifted in…

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Do Something DIFFERENT In the Water This Summer

When the summer is upon us, the call to the water can be difficult to resist. Rivers, seas and lakes all give us a welcome, cool reprieve from the intense heat but the water brings with it a real sense of adventure that has piqued mankind’s curiosity since we first gazed upon its glittering surface.…

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How to Solve Issues With Fishing

Life can have its ups and down. When everything is looking up, we often want to celebrate – but what are we meant to do when things are looking down? Regardless of what issues you’re currently suffering from in life, you need to have something that can recenter you, take your mind off of things…

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Awesome Gadgets to Enhance Your Fishing Experience

For some people, fishing is all about getting away from the modern world. It’s a chance to put down your phone and just enjoy the world around you. Even if you don’t catch any fish, you have some time to think. However, for other people, there’s a range of handy gadgets and modern fishing equipment…

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